Birthday (age) 15/9/1993
Country Yevpatoria, Ukraine
Summary of me Have you ever seen a powerful vitality which can make the entire world up come out? Then you need to meet me for real and see it with your own eyes!. I’m pleasant and sunny, I’m able to make anyone laugh and forget about depressive thoughts. I’m intelligent and educated, I love my career and I can say that I am an excellent professional
I am searching for a single man who can make me feel myself a real woman and wake up my asleep passion))) I’m sure that when i look a man, I will discover immediately that he can be my boyfriend ) I am not really waiting around for the perfect man, I am searching for real man ))
Basic Features
Marriage Relation Never married
Zodiacal Virgo
Religion Orthodox
Languages Russian, English
Corporal / Physical aspect
Height 171
Eyes Gray
Hair Chestnut
Body Type
Best Attribute Face
Weight 52
Character and Habits
Like to eat/food vegetales
Smokes No
Drink Socially
Children noEducation and Occupation
Education College
Employee photographerHobbies: I enjoy reading, listening good music and dancing. I like to travel, to discover new places and meet with new and interesting people. I love sports; I like to keep on my body within a great shape.
Sports Beach volley
Favorite things I have many interests, such as geology and psychology.
Last reading or movie: I go often to the cinema